Last week first with YouTube, I started making resources of social media and other online materials which seems to me as relevant to the PhD student experience, for today I looked into Instagram!

I hope you will find below some interesting hashtags # and people @ to follow :)

Actually, I’ve never looked much at Instagram before and it’s like I’ve discovered a whole new world. I can see the differences with Twitter and see how each has its advantages and disadvantages. I like that in Instagram you call follow a hashtag (can’t do that in Twitter), and I like that people’s streams are much cleaner in Insta as there is no RT.

If I’ve missed some hashtags or someone essential to follow, just let me know in the comment below and I’ll have a look 👇


# hashtags to follow:

Interestingly enough, “#lablife” results in a lot of dog pictures 🤔 It looks like on Instagram lab = Labrador ≠ laboratory, on Twitter you get a funny mix of both.


@ people to follow:

PhD Comics

@phd_comics does it even need an introduction? :)


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Happy New Year – Check out the TOP 18 Comics of 2018:

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=> for me it was “yay no students in the uni restaurant, no queue to get food \o/”


@ph_d_epression is a “Collaborative Community Discussing #MentalHealth in Higher Ed”

Featuring stories from academics struggling with stress, anxiety, depression and all form of mental health difficulties, also sharing tips and advice like below, I seems to me like the new “must follow” for all academics.


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Hi friends! It’s Toyin from @theacademicsociety_. Do you ever feel like you’re working all the time but never get anything done? Or do you find yourself working on one task all day and neglecting your other responsibilities? Or maybe you have so much to do that you forget what you need to get done and end up working late or waking up super early to get stuff done? All of the above are my experiences from grad school. Especially this time of year! I always felt like I wasn’t being productive enough to get all of my work done. But really, it was a lack of time management skills that I was missing. However, I quickly got my act together and found a way to manage my time more effectively and be more productive every day. I started implementing a morning office routine that helped me to stay on track, manage my time, and be productive every single day. And today, I’m sharing my productive office morning routine with you! Here are the key steps: 1. Brain dump everything you need to get done today. The first thing I do when I get to my office is take 5 minutes to sit in silence and write down everything that I need to get done. 2. Prioritize your to-do list. Then I go through my list and figure out what things need to get done or started first. 3. Determine your top 3. Did you know that if you have more than 3 tasks on your to-do list, you are less likely to get everything done? So I like to create a smaller priority list of 3 tasks that I need to get done first. 4. Set time limits. I also like to write down how much time I plan to spend on each task. This is the time management portion of the routine. If a task takes longer than expected, you can always come back to it later after you’ve finished the remaining tasks on your priority list. 5. Check your email. Finally, I check my email to see if there are any other responsibilities or tasks that I need to remember to do in my day. Warning: never do this step first. It’s so easy to waste time in your inbox. Do you have a morning routine that helps you stay organized? Please share in the comments what action step you will take today to help boost your productivity and stay on track with your goals. 😊

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You might also want to check out the Insta accounts from all the people on the team of the PhDepression LLC from their website.


@academeology is an “interdisciplinary academic lifestyle & community account run by a Ph.D. candidate who is surviving academia one day at a time”

Mixing funny pun, inspirational quotes, women in science and stories from other PhD students contributing to the account.

Dr of What

@dr.ofwhat “PhD candidate sharing my journey towards a thesis in conservation psychology 👩🏽‍💻🌿”

For example:


@phd_sos is an “account run by PhD Graduate 👩🏻‍🎓/Previous Faculty Member 👩🏻‍🏫/ Be a part of the PhD SOS Community 👩🏻‍💻 Connect / Communicate / Sharing Tips & Advice”

A community account sharing tips and advice, I like that they’re having pictures with the community answers from one question, for example:


@PhDoodles funny cartoons from a science communicator and illustrator


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“It’s more of a comment really..” 🕐🕓🕘💀 who’s been there!? 🙋🏼‍♀️😂

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Proud Nerd for Life a “PhD student, here to support other panicked and procrastinating researchers with pearls of wisdom – and humor- about life in academia.”

PhD write up and fun 1

@phdwriteupandfun1 is “the Diary of 3 PhD Students at the Writing up Stage”

Looks like sharing a lot of funny puns and inspirational messages from others and always relevant to the PhD life :)

Lili does her PhD

@lilidoesherphd “the life of a grad student who should be writing”

Cool drawings mixing humor and motivational quote like here about Imposter Syndrome:


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What’s your impostor syndrome? Tag a friend! 🐨

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To promote diversity in academia

Diversity in Academia

@diversityinacademiaA platform dedicated to inspire, support, & promote diversity in higher education

Selecting good tweets about diversity and academia in general and always a touch of humor

Black Male PhDs

@blackmalephds “We highlight Black men that have enrolled, or completed a doctoral program.”



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Tobi Owonubi is continuing his research at Birmingham City University, UK. His research focuses on modern day slavery within supply chains of organisations in Africa – primarily Nigeria as his main region of focus. In recent times, he has presented his paper at Tennessee State University, Nashville entitled “Modern Day Slavery – The fall of fetters”, identifying how concerned relevant agencies could adopt the use of technology and metrics in mitigating the continuity of the scourge of slavery. In addition, he is examining modern day slavery from the psychological point of view, examining concepts like attachment theory and how this influences the mind of the criminal personalities involved in the concept of slavery. He is at the data collection stage of the research looking to interview those involved in the scourge of slavery (not the victims), and in the next few months he would be interviewing these individuals specifically within the mining, agriculture and manufacturing sectors of his primary region of investigation. He has one published book entitled “Sustainable innovation for the Middle East”, and is currently writing a second book on slavery and it’s history in Nigeria. Tobi has a Masters degree in Management from the University of South Wales, U.K. as well as a second Masters degree in International Business from Birmingham City University, U.K. Additionally, he has certifications from Queensland University of Technology, Australia, a Postgraduate Certificate in Research practice from BCU and a Bachelors Degree in Pure Physics from the University of Lagos. He hopes to complete his PhD next year and is hoping to become a member of Faculty at prestigious colleges in Canada, the U.S or any country appreciating research in African Studies and the development of the African Continent. #mcnairscholar #bet #blackexcellence #mcnairscholar #dissertationlife #phd #phdstudent #black #uk #marchmadness #likeandshare @blackmalephds 👨🏿‍🎓👨🏾‍🎓👨🏾‍🎓✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽📙📚 #stem #changingthenarrative #blackmen

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Thanks for having a look at this resource today :)

You might be interested in my resources of YouTube Channels and Videos for PhD Students and of Twitter @ and # for PhD Students, and my Project Management resource for PhD students and supervisors!

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If you’re looking for people talking about science & discoveries:

43 science instagrams you need to follow from the Antibody Genie website

“We have compiled a list of our top science Instagram influencers. Their photos range from shots of specimens under a microscope; recordings of their travels across the world; personal posts documenting their PhD journey; to scientific concepts explained using sushi!”


The thumbnail picture of this article is courtesy of my partner in life.