
Hi, I'm Pauline, on this blog I share information and tips for Early Career Researchers. I completed my PhD in Switzerland, to know more about me, have a look at the About page 😃 🇨🇭🧠🔬🎓

I am writing about #soft skills (transferable skills), #career and #mental health. More about that in my first blog post: How a doctoral program saved my PhD.

I like summarizing and organizing information, make sure to have a look at my resources. Especially if you're in Switzerland, check out all my articles about #career like this one: Career Services for PhDs in Swiss Universities and HE 🇨🇭

I've also been writing about project management applied to academia, here my resource providing an overview of different tools available.

You might also be interested in the Highlights of a review about the PhD experience (Sverdlik et al., 2018). This is my most successful blog post with over 6.000 views within 24 hours!! 👀 🤯

News Feed

  • I sorry that I am too busy with my  main job and trying to keep a healthy private life, all of which doesn't leave me much time for this blog! I hope you can still enjoy my old posts :)
  • This blog is my (former) independent activity, it is fully independent from the university I am working with now and from the universities I used to work for. In other words, opinions my own ;)

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Most Recent Blog Posts:


Most recent by categories:

  • Soft Skills
  • Career
  • Mental Health
  • Tech

Recommended readings:


Free downloadable materials:


PhD Life Bingo!

read the post here!

PhD Timeline / Gantt chart

read the post here!

Checklist to clarify expectations

read the post here!